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Terms Of Use


Our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy Notices were last updated on August 9th, 2022

Please read the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy notices carefully before accessing RezAdviser and using RezAdviser’s Services.



Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the RezAdviser, LLC website. The full name of the website is RezAdviser’s terms and conditions (this “Agreement”) are set forth below. By accessing RezAvdiser and using the Services that RezAdviser provides, you indicate that you have read and understood this Agreement. Accessing RezAdviser and using the Services of RezAdviser also indicates that you agree to be bound by this Agreement. If you do not accept all the terms and conditions found in this Agreement, please refrain from accessing RezAdviser and using the services that RezAdviser provides.

The “Services” refer to those provided by RezAdviser, LLC. The “Services” are the following:

  1. Allow users to see where events are taking place on Native American lands all over the United States of America.

  2. Allow users to submit their events for posting on the website. 

  3. Allow users to subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

  4. Allows users to upload and share photographs of past events.

In this Agreement, the term “you” refers to the individual person who is engaging with the RezAdviser website through one or more of the above Services. The term “your” will be the possessive form of the “you.” If you choose to submit information about events taking place on Native American land, then the submission of that Content will be called “your Content.” If you choose to submit personal information for the purposes of receiving our monthly newsletter, then that information will be referred to as “your information.”

·If you are using any of RezAdviser’s Services and are accepting this Agreement on behalf of another entity, then such entity must allow you to do so and authorize you to bind it to this Agreement.

oIn this scenario, the terms “you” and “your” as described above will refer to the entity in question instead of the individual person accessing RezAdviser and using our Services. 


In this Agreement, the terms “we”, “us”, “our,” “website,” “it,” “its,” and “RezAdviser” all refer to RezAdviser, LLC.

Upon our discretion, when it is deemed necessary, we may choose to edit this Agreement at any time in the future. If you continue to access or use the Services of this website after we make edits to the Agreement, then you are automatically accepting the new version of the Agreement. We will note the date that edits were last made to this Agreement at the top of this Agreement. We will notify users of changes to the Agreement that we believe require your immediate attention and/or are significant to your use of our Services by placing a notice on our website’s welcome page/home page. The most current version of the Agreement will be posted on this page.


2.Using our services

·You are allowed to use our services so long as you agree that:

oThe information you submit to RezAdviser, including personal information and information about events, is correct and up to date;

oYou are legally allowed to enter into this Agreement and use our Services;

oYou allow, and have authority to allow, any photographs that you submit for posting, including event flyers, to be displayed on RezAdviser under your event’s description and be available for viewing for anyone who accesses the website and searches your event;

oYou will access and use the Services only for informing yourself about events happening on Native American lands across the United States, submitting your own event for posting, and/or receiving our monthly newsletter

·Some Content you see on RezAdviser may be displayed on RezAdviser for commercial purposes only. By accessing RezAdviser and using the website’s Services, you accept that RezAdviser may place advertisements and other promotional content near or next to your event posting.

3.information about content you submit

·RezAdviser, upon its discretion, may edit or delete certain content that has been previously submitted for posting and has already been posted on the website.

oRezAdviser is not required to continue displaying your event posting after the event’s end date.

·RezAdviser is not required to post the events you submit for posting. Upon review, RezAdviser may choose to decline posting your content on its website.

4.activities Prohibited on Rezadviser

·For all Content found on RezAdviser that is not yours, that you do now own, and that which is protected either under a copyright or trademark, you are not allowed to modify or use any information obtained from that Content. You will not allowed to modify or use any information obtained from that Content while engaging with this website and using our Services.

·Additionally, you agree not to:

oTake any action that unreasonably burdens the website’s functionality and hinders the speed and efficiency at which other users access RezAdviser and use the Services of RezAdviser;

oIncorporate any part of RezAdviser into any other websites without our prior written permission;

oSubmit content for posting that contains visuals considered illegal under United States law;

oDownload photographs and any other content unless RezAdviser allows for that specific photograph and/or content to be downloaded;

oSubmit content, including photographs, for posting on RezAdviser that includes offers to sell goods and/or services; or

oSubmit content, including photographs, for posting on RezAdviser that are not related to your event’s information.

5.trademark Notice

The RezAdviser name and RezAviser’s website’s style, page headers, logos, and other custom graphics are all protected under a trademark owned by RezAdviser. If you want to use or copy any of the aforementioned items for any purpose, you must first request a written permission from RezAdviser.



7.What to do when you encounter illegal content

·If you have any questions or concerns related to content posted on RezAdviser , including but not limited to any content infringing on a copyright that is rightfully held either by you or another user, please contact us immediately at [fill in].


Privacy Policy Notice

Any personal information you submit to RezAdviser will be used following the language written in our Privacy Policy, a policy that we take very seriously given that one of our most important goals is to protect your personal information. Please review the following statement to better familiarize yourself with our privacy policy.  

Once again, we operate an online service that allows users to search events taking place on Native American land all over the United States of America, submit their events for posting on the website and/or subscribe to our monthly newsletter. These are collectively referred to as our Services in the statement below.

Information We Collect From You:

We collect the following information about you based upon which one of the three Services you choose to use:

  • Contact information, including first name, last name, company name, email address and phone number.

  • Photos you may have provided to us that display information about your event, including but not limited to flyers.

If you are sharing information with us on behalf of another entity, then you must obtain the consent of that entity to supply us with that entity’s information.

How We Use Your Information:

We use the information we collect from you so that we can some or all of the following:

  • Communicate with you and notify you about new event postings

  • Publish your event on our website for all users accessing RezAdviser to see

  • Respond to your questions

  • Send you our monthly newsletter

Please acknowledge that minimal information about you is required for us to be able to provide you with the Services that we have promised.  



Transferring Your Information Across the United States:

We are a national company and we allow users all across the United States to access your information. If we transfer your information to other States, we will use and protect that information as described in this Statement and in accordance with each state law.

Security Protection of Your Information:

[if there is any built in security system that the site has then fill it in here ]

Retaining Your Information:

If we are faced with any legal claims and if any information you provide us is relevant to those legal claims, then we will retain your information. We will retain your information in our system so long as we deem is necessary in protecting our legal rights in those legal claims.

RezAdviser’s Use of Cookies:

[If the site uses cookies then fill it in here]
User Consent to Cookies:

[dependent on if site uses cookies or not]

Changing the Privacy Policy Statement and Notifying You of Those Changes:

Upon our discretion, we may choose to edit our Privacy Policy Notice section at any time in the future. If we believe any changes require your immediate attention and/or will have a significant effect on your use of our Services, we will notify you by doing one or more of the following:

  • Sending you a communication about the changes via email; and/or

  • Posting a notice on the website’s welcome page/home page that an updated Statement has been uploaded under the Privacy Policy Notice section.

Our Contact Information:

If you have any requests related to your privacy while using the Services of RezAdviser or our privacy policy in general, please contact our privacy team at [fill in]. 


© 2022 RezAdviser, LLC.
All Rights Reserved.

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